Ever heard of Sailor Astarte? Well here's your chance to find out!

I have updated the site with new info! I hope to add and edit more content soon, and
to get some accurate information.
Welcome! ^_^
Hello and welcome to my site about Sailor Astarte.This little known Sailor Senshi was
not in the anime or the Manga, she was just in the Sailor Moon Musicals. I want to spread the awareness of this senshi and
let every one know that she actually exists and is not a made up character. I don't have a whole lot of information on this
character so some info may be just speculation, so be patient if I have some of the info wrong. Thank you and enjoy
the site!

Credits page
Disclaimer: All rights belong to the Sailor Moon creator, Naoko Takeuchi!
Site finished Nov. 27 , 2003 on Thanksgiving Day!